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Psychopathological Symptoms and Predictors among Inmates

Received: 14 August 2013     Published: 10 September 2013
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The study was meant to examine the prevalence of psychopathological symptoms among inmates, which in line, to suggest systems to accentuate psychosocial rehabilitation program in correction centers. The total number of participants was 420 (i.e., 384 males and 36 females). Multi-stage probability sampling (i.e., stratified, systematic and simple random) sampling techniques were employed, and for the data analysis t-test and logistic regression were applied. It was found that 48% (CI95 = -0.08, 0.05) of inmates have been experiencing psychopathological symptoms, but not significantly different at =0.05, p = 0.65.Furthermor, a set of predictors reliably distinguished between inmates with and without psychopathological symptoms (χ2 = 145.913, p = 0.000 with df = 5). Except gender and age, other variables predicted psychopathological symptom. From the educational status, illiterate (OR = 1.849, CI95 = 1.266, 2.699), Grade 1-6 (OR = 2.044, CI95 = 1.416, 2.951), and Grade 11-12 (OR = 0.442, CI95 = 0.297, 0.658). Also, almost all crime types predicted psychopathological symptoms. That means, killing (OR = 0.280, CI95 = 0.211, 0.371), theft and robbery (OR = 0.634, CI95 = 0.501, 0.801), physical attack (OR = 0.367, CI95 = 0.278, 0.484) and emotional attack (OR = 0.737, CI95 = 0.547, 0.994).From term of sentence, being sentenced for more than 10 years predicted highly (OR = 9.261, CI95 = 3.031, 28,300). From district, Sidama (OR=2.416, CI95 = 1.177, 4.960, and Segen district (OR = 2.115, CI95 = 1.072, 4.175). Thus, the number of inmates who grieves from mental and behavioral aches remains not nominal. Rehabilitation requires availability, accessibility and integration of professionals (i.e., psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists). Besides, prison tradition essentially duty-bound beyond mundane provisions comparable to shelter, food and medical treatment.

Published in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences (Volume 2, Issue 5)
DOI 10.11648/j.pbs.20130205.11
Page(s) 169-180
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2013. Published by Science Publishing Group


Psychopathology, Symptoms, Inmates

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  • APA Style

    Tarekegn Tadesse Gemeda. (2013). Psychopathological Symptoms and Predictors among Inmates. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2(5), 169-180. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.pbs.20130205.11

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    ACS Style

    Tarekegn Tadesse Gemeda. Psychopathological Symptoms and Predictors among Inmates. Psychol. Behav. Sci. 2013, 2(5), 169-180. doi: 10.11648/j.pbs.20130205.11

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    AMA Style

    Tarekegn Tadesse Gemeda. Psychopathological Symptoms and Predictors among Inmates. Psychol Behav Sci. 2013;2(5):169-180. doi: 10.11648/j.pbs.20130205.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.pbs.20130205.11,
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      abstract = {The study was meant to examine the prevalence of psychopathological symptoms among inmates, which in line, to suggest systems to accentuate psychosocial rehabilitation program in correction centers. The total number of participants was 420 (i.e., 384 males and 36 females). Multi-stage probability sampling (i.e., stratified, systematic and simple random) sampling techniques were employed, and for the data analysis t-test and logistic regression were applied. It was found that 48% (CI95 = -0.08, 0.05) of inmates have been experiencing psychopathological symptoms, but not significantly different at  =0.05, p = 0.65.Furthermor, a set of predictors reliably distinguished between inmates with and without psychopathological symptoms (χ2 = 145.913, p = 0.000 with df = 5). Except gender and age, other variables predicted psychopathological symptom. From the educational status, illiterate (OR = 1.849, CI95 = 1.266, 2.699), Grade 1-6 (OR = 2.044, CI95 = 1.416, 2.951), and Grade 11-12 (OR = 0.442, CI95 = 0.297, 0.658). Also, almost all crime types predicted psychopathological symptoms. That means, killing (OR = 0.280, CI95 = 0.211, 0.371), theft and robbery (OR = 0.634, CI95 = 0.501, 0.801), physical attack (OR = 0.367, CI95 = 0.278, 0.484) and emotional attack (OR = 0.737, CI95 = 0.547, 0.994).From term of sentence, being sentenced for more than 10 years predicted highly (OR = 9.261, CI95 = 3.031, 28,300). From district, Sidama (OR=2.416, CI95 = 1.177, 4.960, and Segen district (OR = 2.115, CI95 = 1.072, 4.175). Thus, the number of inmates who grieves from mental and behavioral aches remains not nominal. Rehabilitation requires availability, accessibility and integration of professionals (i.e., psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists).  Besides, prison tradition essentially duty-bound beyond mundane provisions comparable to shelter, food and medical treatment.},
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    AB  - The study was meant to examine the prevalence of psychopathological symptoms among inmates, which in line, to suggest systems to accentuate psychosocial rehabilitation program in correction centers. The total number of participants was 420 (i.e., 384 males and 36 females). Multi-stage probability sampling (i.e., stratified, systematic and simple random) sampling techniques were employed, and for the data analysis t-test and logistic regression were applied. It was found that 48% (CI95 = -0.08, 0.05) of inmates have been experiencing psychopathological symptoms, but not significantly different at  =0.05, p = 0.65.Furthermor, a set of predictors reliably distinguished between inmates with and without psychopathological symptoms (χ2 = 145.913, p = 0.000 with df = 5). Except gender and age, other variables predicted psychopathological symptom. From the educational status, illiterate (OR = 1.849, CI95 = 1.266, 2.699), Grade 1-6 (OR = 2.044, CI95 = 1.416, 2.951), and Grade 11-12 (OR = 0.442, CI95 = 0.297, 0.658). Also, almost all crime types predicted psychopathological symptoms. That means, killing (OR = 0.280, CI95 = 0.211, 0.371), theft and robbery (OR = 0.634, CI95 = 0.501, 0.801), physical attack (OR = 0.367, CI95 = 0.278, 0.484) and emotional attack (OR = 0.737, CI95 = 0.547, 0.994).From term of sentence, being sentenced for more than 10 years predicted highly (OR = 9.261, CI95 = 3.031, 28,300). From district, Sidama (OR=2.416, CI95 = 1.177, 4.960, and Segen district (OR = 2.115, CI95 = 1.072, 4.175). Thus, the number of inmates who grieves from mental and behavioral aches remains not nominal. Rehabilitation requires availability, accessibility and integration of professionals (i.e., psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists).  Besides, prison tradition essentially duty-bound beyond mundane provisions comparable to shelter, food and medical treatment.
    VL  - 2
    IS  - 5
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Psychology, Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia

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